Local Housing Resources

Students who must move to attend Central Carolina Community College often have questions about housing options in the area. While on-campus housing is not available, we strive to assist students in finding suitable local housing.

推荐正规买球平台’s Housing Officer (Karen Minter, Administrative Coordinator) acts as a referral agent only; she maintains lists of local apartments, realtors, and persons in the area who wish to rent to students. It is up to the student and the landlord to make the housing arrangement. 推荐正规买球平台 cannot specifically endorse or recommend particular housing opportunities.

Questions about housing? Please call (919) 718-7300.

Chatham County

Chatham Relocation Resources

Chatham Housing Resources

Harnett County

Harnett Relocation Resources

Harnett Housing Resources

Lee County

Lee Relocation Resources

Lee Housing Resources